Is SEED Right For Us?

Is SEED right for me and my site?
Before applying to SEED, it’s important to determine whether or not the program is right for you and your community, organization, or institution. You can do this by reading about SEED and New Leaders Training here on our website, contacting us to request a conversation, participating in a local SEED seminar, or speaking with someone who has participated in or led a SEED seminar.
Is my community ready for SEED?
Here are some questions to consider that might help you determine whether your community, organization, or institution is ready for SEED:
Am I ready for SEED?
Here are some questions to consider that might help you determine whether you’re ready for SEED:
The New Leaders Application includes a number of essay questions that prompt you to think deeply about your identities and experiences. Reviewing these questions can also help you to determine whether SEED is the right fit for you at this time.